Using Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel on Android

Using Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel on Android

Using Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel on Android – Shadowsocks is a multiplatform, open source application that allows you to browse the internet individually and comfortably. What you have to do sort the profile name, sort the server and local and remote ports. You can also send UDP packets or connect automatically when this application run. Once Shadowsocks running, you can view your browsing information at the top of the interface.

SHADOWSOCKS is also a socks5 proxy designed for internet use. and can be used on various platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS, and OpenWRT. Shadowsocks fast, easy to install and open-source. You can also install Shadowsocks on your respective servers via the Shadowsocks official website or via the Shadowsocks Teddysun install script.

Using Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel on Android

Using Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel on Android
Using Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel on Android

This time we want to review a simple method of using Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel on your Android. So an alternative to using other tunneling such as OpenVPN, OpenSSH. I had prepared the applications that needed to be needed.

Shadowsocks Apk: Official Apps.


Next, let’s have a Shadowsocks account that has SSL support and can be obtained from VIP GLOBALSSH and READYSSH but this time we want to use IPTUNNELS which has 2 public Shadowsocks servers.

Here’s a simple method of using Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel:

Controlling SSLSOCKS

The SSLSOCKS installation process has ended on Android after that we must edit the stunnel configuration as follows.

accept = 8787
connect = ip:portssl
sni =

Remember IPTUNNELS shadowsocks SSL using port 8399 and make a reasonable port using 8388. Observe the photo above ss2. iptunnels. com: 8399.

Controlling Shadowsocks

After installing Shadowsocks Apps from Playstore let’s set Shadowsocks. Above the stunnel config we use accept 8787

after that we need to control Bypass Fashion for the SSLSOCKS app like the  photos below.

Now it’s time for us to save the Shadowsocks profile configuration.

The installation and configuration of SSLSOCKS and Shadowsocks has ended. Initially, we run the stunnel from SSLSOCK, then open Shadowsocks and select the profile made earlier and start tunneling.

Like the Shadowsocks bonus data from iptunnels you have one of the servers with good ping because it located in Singapore. If you have connected the Shadowsocks SSL Stunnel, we can access the internet comfortably and can access the web that blocked by some ISP operators in Indonesia such as reddit and other web sites.

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About the Author: admin